Credit card insurance is important for most of the people who own these cards. It provides financial security to people in case their card is used illegally by some other person and various other circumstances. Currently, a large number of people use credit cards these days. Hence, financial institutions provide such insurance on large purchases made from their credit cards.
Fraud insurance for these credit cards refers to a kind of insurance which covers the losses suffered by an owner due to use of his card by another person. Initially people had to pay for the purchases made from their cards, regardless to the fact that whether their c.c. was stolen or not. However, financial institutions and banks have come up with card fraud insurance to tackle such situations. This is an excellent move at their end to protect users.
Additionally,this type of theft insurance is also available which covers the expenses made from a c.c. prior to twelve hours of reporting its theft to the concerned officials. Almost all the financial institutions offer card insurance to their customers. Citibank card insurance, HSBC insurance, ICICI insurance and many more.These banks are famous for their quality services amongst a lot of users. Cards travel insurance, life insurance, card liability insurance are some other types of insurance is available for c.c. at present. These are extremely important as card theft and misuse is very common these days. To safe guard yourself, your cards must be insured at all times.